Answers to Your Most Common Legal Questions
Determining fault in a truck accident can be challenging, especially if you don’t have legal representation.
Truck accidents are common throughout the U.S.
Even though truck accidents are usually over in just a matter of seconds, the road to recovering compensation for the losses incurred is complex and frustrating.
Accidents involving big trucks usually cause severe injuries and damages, and sometimes the accidents are fatal.
When a wide-turn accident involving a commercial truck occurs, multiple parties are often liable.
Most people drive through at least one construction zone in their lives, especially when living in urban areas.
Truck accidents are a staple on our roads and highways, notwithstanding all traffic regulations and reinforcement.
With millions of trucks operating on American roads, it is no surprise that numerous truck drivers are involved in accidents every year.
You should contact a lawyer as soon as possible following a truck accident.
Visit the website of the Ohio Department of Public Safety to get a copy of your truck accident report.
Injuries from a motorcycle accident have two types of compensation: economic and non-economic.
One of the main reasons for several truck accidents each year is driver fatigue.
More than 30 million different kinds of trucks operate on American roads.
Not all semi-truck accidents go to trial in Ohio.
You should not pass on the right side of an 18-wheel truck because truck drivers generally have poor visibility in that lane.
In every sense, trucks pose a greater risk of being in a crash than smaller, lighter vehicles.
Truck accidents are a common occurrence on U.S. roads.
Truck accidents often cause severe injuries and damages.
Ohio truck accident cases are no harder to win than other types of auto accidents.
A truck driver can be fired for causing an accident.