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The Hammer’s Blog

Truck Accident Resources
July 2nd, 2024

Is it legal to ride in the back of a truck? The answer varies significantly by state, with some enforcing strict prohibitions and others offering conditional allowances. This guide demystifies the regulations across the United States so you can stay informed and lawful during your travels in a truck’s cargo area. Key Takeaways The legality […]

Truck Accident Resources
July 2nd, 2024

When discussing the worst truck accident in history, one tragic event comes to mind. In this article, we delve into the catastrophic collision near Whitefish, Montana, in 1984, explore other major truck accidents, analyze their causes, and discuss lessons learned for improving road safety. Key Takeaways Historical truck accidents, like those in Whitefish, Montana (1984) […]

Truck Accident Resources
July 2nd, 2024

Have you ever wondered what a jackknife truck means? This term describes a perilous event where a truck’s trailer and cab create a sharp angle, akin to a partially folded pocket knife, with potentially disastrous results. Our exploration begins with understanding this frightening moment on the road, and its causes, and unfolds into prevention strategies […]

Slip and Fall
June 13th, 2024

Are million-dollar slip-and-fall settlements a reality, and what conditions lead to such substantial compensation? This article breaks down real-life cases where victims have won million-dollar outcomes due to severe injuries combined with clear negligence. With an overview of notable cases, insights into settlement determinants, and legal strategies, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve significant […]

Slip and Fall
June 17th, 2024

Preventing slips, trips, and falls in the workplace starts with understanding the causes and taking preventative action. This guide will provide straightforward strategies to help you identify hazards and apply effective prevention methods. Get ready to learn about maintaining safe conditions, selecting appropriate footwear, and the importance of employee training—a practical roadmap to a safer […]

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