What Is Bobtailing?
A bobtail truck does not have a trailer attached. Bobtailing, by definition, means driving a cargo-carrying truck (semi-truck) without a trailer. Bobtailing often happens when a contracted truck driver is first sent out from dispatch to their pick up site. Be careful not to confuse “bobtailing” with “deadheading,” which happens when driving a cargo carrying truck pulling an empty trailer, i.e., containing no cargo.
Bobtailing in trucking is sometimes confused with deadheading
What Does Bobtailing Mean? Additional Use in Trucking:
A “bobtail” also refers to a straight truck transporting (and sometimes running on) propane gas. This is a term designated by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Forms also used:
- Bobtail, bobtailed
- Bobtail truck
- Running bobtail
Examples of use:
- Cynthia just dropped her trailer off with the client, now she’s bobtailed for the night at a comfy truck stop.
- Jim only needs a small space to park his bobtail for the evening.
- I lost my trailer in a Vegas poker match, guess I’ll be bobtailing it back home to Sacramento.
Trucker slang for bobtailing:
Horse with no wagon
Other meanings of “bobtail”:
Bobtail – An Old English Sheepdog breed that has its tail typically cut short or completely removed soon after birth.
Bells on bobtail ring – In the song, “Jingle Bells,” a bobtail refers to the tail of a horse, with the hair cut short so that it does not get caught in the reins while pulling a sleigh.