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Category: Truck Accidents

Average Settlement For A Truck Accident In Indiana

There is no average settlement for a truck accident in Indiana. Every truck accident case is unique, and its settlement varies based on the facts. Your settlement should be enough to bring you back to the position you were in before the accident. Settlements should be based on healing from your injuries, recovering damaged property, and compensating you for any other unique circumstances of your case.

A truck accident attorney can help you understand the value of your claim according to your accident. Don’t base the idea on what another case won. It is best to speak with a lawyer who can review the facts of your case and calculate your damages to determine your case’s worth. You don’t have to go through this alone.

What Are the Damages Available in Indiana?

Settlements vary based on damages, losses, repair or replacement costs, and much more, as there is no average settlement for a truck accident in Indiana. There are two main types of damages in personal injury cases; they are economic and non-economic. Economic damages have a monetary value and are easy to quantify through receipts and invoices. Non-economic damages, however, do not have financial value but have value. Your lawyer can use a method to determine the value of your non-economic damages.

Some of the common damages covered in a truck accident claim include:

  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Car repair or replacement
  • Medical bills
  • Physical and emotional therapy
  • Co-pays
  • Transportation expenses
  • Ambulance expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lower quality of life
  • Emotional distress

Know the Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in Indiana

You must file your truck accident lawsuit within the two-year statute of limitations, per IC § 34-11-2-4. Truck accident lawsuits are usually only necessary if settlement negotiations are unsuccessful.

Negotiating with insurers does not extend the deadline to file a lawsuit, so be mindful of your time to pursue fair compensation. It’s best to get started on your case immediately after the accident.

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Beating the Law of Averages

If you would like help obtaining a fair settlement for your truck accident case, consider a personal injury attorney who can negotiate to get you a fair and just financial recovery. Living in Indiana means you can team up with our attorneys with over 400 years of combined legal experience.

Here are examples of how our outstanding team members have pursued fair compensation for previous clients.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Our team helped win a verdict of $3.65 million for a man involved in a truck accident leading to a traumatic brain injury.

Crossed Center Line

A big rig’s wheels barreled across the center line on a narrow two-lane road, causing a fatal collision. The verdict awarded to the family was $2.7 million.

Concrete Truck Slides Over Curve

A large concrete truck was traveling too fast around a curve for its weight when it began to slip into the next lane. As a result, the truck struck a woman head-on in a collision, causing severe injuries. She was awarded $3.5 million at the trial.

Nightmare Smash-Up

A glance up at the truck in front of you and the long row of traffic tell you there is nowhere to go. But in the rearview mirror, a semi is approaching fast. This scene happened to a woman who was later awarded $2.52 million.

Watch Out for Cargo

Sometimes it isn’t the truck but what is inside the truck that causes the injuries. When a truck’s cargo shifted, it caused a terrible accident. The falling cargo crushed another vehicle and its passengers. The accident was fatal, and a victim’s family was awarded $1.37 million.

Red Light Runner

Running a red light can be dangerous. It is dangerous for any driver, let alone a heavy truck. Nevertheless, a verdict was awarded to a victim involved in an accident where a semi failed to stop on red. The victim was awarded $2.7 million.

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