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Category: Truck Accidents

Should I Report A Truck Accident To The Police? – Call 24/7

You should definitely call the police to report a truck accident or any other type of motor vehicle accident. Reporting a truck accident is not only beneficial, it may even be required in your state.

Truck Accidents Can Do Catastrophic Damage

Most states require you to call the police if you are involved in an accident where:

  • Someone is injured OR
  • Property damage exceeds a certain monetary value set by the state (usually $500-$1,000).

Due to the size and weight of most semi-trucks, there is usually catastrophic damage done. Injuries to victims in truck accidents can often be serious and property damage is typically extensive. In light of that, you likely will be legally required to call the police after your truck accident. Under Kentucky law, KRS §189.635, anyone involved in a traffic accident must notify law enforcement if anyone is injured or a vehicle is damaged to the point where it is inoperable.

Broken bones, severed limbs, traumatic brain injuries, and paralysis are just a few of the catastrophic injuries victims of commercial truck accidents may face. Property damage-only truck accidents alone cost an average of $15,114, according to a study published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

Police Play a Key Role in Your Truck Accident Claim or Lawsuit

Even if police weren’t legally required, it is in your best interest to call 9-1-1 if you suspect the crash was caused by someone violating a traffic law or simply if someone else was at-fault.

Officers play an important role in your accident, especially if you plan to file an insurance claim. The police will usually investigate the collision. As a part of their duties, they will speak to all parties involved, assess evidence at the scene, take witness statements, and make a police report. The report will include the events that led to the accident, any traffic citations, and immediately apparent damage or injuries. It may also include some determination of who caused the truck accident.

Simply put, a police report is an indispensable piece of evidence in an automobile accident for all parties. Further, insurance companies generally require the police report as documented evidence of your crash when you file a claim.

You should obtain the police report number from the responding officer at the scene as well as his or her badge number. Alternatively, take the officer’s card so that you can get in contact with them in the near future.

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What Else Should You Do After a Commercial Truck Accident?

If you are physically capable of anything after a truck accident, there are some key things you should do to facilitate an insurance claim and/or potential lawsuit for damages.

Exchange Information

You’ll need to exchange information with the other parties involved in the accident by law. Exchange:

  • Names, phone numbers, and addresses of all drivers and passengers involved.
  • Driver’s license numbers for each driver
  • Vehicle identification number
  • Vehicle registration number
  • License plate numbers
  • Car insurance company and phone number
  • Insurance policy number
  • Vehicle make, model, and color
  • Location of accident
  • Names and phone numbers of any witnesses to the accident

Take Photos or Video

It’s a good idea to take pictures or video of the scene of an accident. Your photos or recordings should show the position of the cars, property damage, and any injuries you or your passengers sustained. Take photos or video of the vehicles from different angles to give a more complete picture of the damage. You’ll need these photos for your car insurance claim and any future personal injury lawsuits

Report the Accident to Your Insurance Provider

A semi-truck accident resulting in serious damage or injuries should be reported to your insurance company as soon as you are able. The most crucial part is to report a truck accident to the police immediately after the accident. You should find out what benefits you are entitled to under your own policy. Avoid talking about your injuries or who is at-fault. Strictly give the facts about the semi-truck crash.

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney

A semi-truck accident is likely to leave you unable to do many of the things mentioned above, let alone fight for compensation if you were injured. However, don’t worry. An attorney can do most of the legal process for you to get a case started. Contact an experienced truck accident lawyer following an accident as soon as possible. An attorney can investigate the accident, determine liable parties, gather evidence to support your case, and help you collect the compensation you deserve.

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Isaacs & Isaacs Can Take Care of Your Truck Accident Case While You Recover

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck accident due to the negligence of someone else, the police should be your first call. Isaacs & Isaacs Personal Injury Lawyers should be your second. We serve accident victims in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and other parts of the country.

Depending on the state you live in, there may be a limited time to take legal action. Contact our lawyers as soon as possible before the statute of limitations runs out. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to pursue legal action.

An experienced truck accident lawyer at our firm will demand your maximum compensation in an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. Either way, we are committed to protecting your rights and helping you rebuild your life. Call us today to set up a free consultation to discuss your case.

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