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Category: Truck Accidents

Where Do Most Truck Accidents Happen?

The majority of fatal truck accidents happen in rural areas. There can be several factors that contribute to truck accidents. Because of their massive size, truck accidents can cause severe property damages, injuries, and even death. It can be helpful to know where truck accidents occur the most often so that you can be alert and prepared.

However, truck accidents can happen anywhere, so it is helpful to follow the road rules and be aware of the actions of other drivers at all times. If you are in a truck accident, it can help to work with a truck accident attorney in your case.

Common locations of truck accidents

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, most fatal truck accidents happen in rural areas. In 2019, about 57% of fatal truck crashes occurred in rural areas. The other most common area for fatal truck crashes was interstate highways. Fatal crashes on interstate highways accounted for about 25% of fatal truck crashes.

Rural areas are those where there are not as many people and buildings. Why more fatal truck accidents happen on these roads could be because of several contributing factors. For example, roads in rural areas may be more simplistic, and there may be fewer traffic lights or street lights. Drivers may have limited visibility or may be more inclined to distractions in rural areas.

Rural roads may also have less maintenance, so roadside hazards are a risk. There may also be more animals in the area, which could also contribute to crashes. But exact reasons for a crash will be different in every situation.

Injuries in truck accidents

Trucks are larger than most of the other vehicles on the road. Because of their size, it can also be harder to maneuver trucks to respond to potential hazards. So, the injuries in truck accidents can be severe. For example, those in truck accidents can experience spinal cord injuries or head injuries. They can also experience blunt force trauma. Sometimes these injuries can lead to long-term disability or even death.

When trucks are carrying cargo, there is a risk of injuries related to that cargo. For example, the cargo on a truck can come loose, causing damage to the truck or other vehicles.

Make sure to call for appropriate medical help after a truck accident. There may be more people hurt than you initially realize, and emergency treatment needs to occur as soon as possible. In rural areas, the time for emergency personnel to arrive may be longer, so if you can help others hurt in the accident, do so.

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Who is responsible after a truck accident?

The exact cause of a truck accident depends on several factors. The fault may rest with the truck driver. For example, a truck driver may become distracted or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Other times, the driver has not received enough training to react to changing road situations. In this case, the fault would rest with the truck driver’s company, which failed to train the truck driver properly. Or the company may not be providing the truck driver with appropriate rest breaks or workload.

In rural areas, the fault may rest in circumstances beyond the driver or the company’s control. For example, there may be severe rain or snow. If an area is not plowed or maintained, it can contribute to accidents. In that case, the fault may rest with the people responsible for maintaining the road.

How can working with a truck accident attorney help me?

Whether your truck accident happened in a rural or urban area, seeking legal help after a truck accident can be beneficial. A truck accident attorney can look into what happened in your specific case. They can review what happened and help you determine who is at fault for the accident.

With the help of an attorney, you may be able to recover compensation for your costs from the accident. For example, you may have medical bills or a reduced earning capacity after the accident. Compensation in a truck accident case can help cover some of these costs. A truck accident attorney negotiates on your behalf to reach a fair settlement that helps cover your costs.

Each state has a different statute of limitations. You’ll want to act quickly to get the ball rolling. Last thing you want is to wait too long to take legal action and it be too late. A legal expert will be able to advise you on how much time you have to pursue legal action.

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